Hypnotherapy the Aikido way

I’m a coach at Genryukan Aikido and therapist at Folkestone Hypnotherapy.In this video, I attempt to explain the similarities on how to deal with anxiety with hypnotherapy, and how we deal with attacks in aikido.Thanks to Tom Davey for his help. Find us on Facebook: Folkestone HypnotherapyGenryukan Aikido

Kick the habit

For many people, tobacco is their friend. It claims to help with reducing stress, relaxing, alleviating boredom or boosting confidence. How can a stimulant help you relax? It doesn’t. Would you have a can of energy drink to wind down? Of course not! Cigarettes offer a very short, temporary relief Read more…

What is a panic attack?

Panic attacks are an exaggerated response to danger, stress or excitement.The symptoms can suddenly appear and include things such as a racing heartbeat, feeling faint, sweating or shaking, feeling sick, shaky legs, trouble breathing or nausea. During an attack, you may fear that they’re having a heart attack, that you’re Read more…