Why visit an hypnotherapist

Visiting an hypnotherapist can be beneficial for a variety of reasons. Other than just being friendly and saying hi (it’s always appreciated), here are a few examples: To manage stress and anxiety: Hypnotherapy can be used to help people manage stress and anxiety by teaching them relaxation techniques and coping mechanisms that can be used in everyday life. This can help to reduce feelings of anxiety and promote a sense of calm and relaxation. To overcome phobias: Hypnotherapy can be used to help people overcome phobias by addressing the underlying Read more…

New Year’s Resolutions don’t work

A study by Richard Wiseman (University of Hertfordshire) shows that 88% of people failed to stick to their New Year’s Resolutions!Even after being given various advice, the best results were only 34%… We may decide to start on a healthy regime of exercising and losing weight and to start off with, our motivation is high – only for us to lapse at the first sign of temptation or stress. The same applies to stopping smoking, quitting alcohol and so on. Why?The reason it can be difficult for some is because Read more…

Free yourself from phobias

When talking about their phobias, clients often say “I know it’s silly but…”, “it sounds crazy but ….” It’s not silly nor crazy, it’s simply an exaggerated irrational and emotional response.  I’ve helped people with phobias about spiders, snakes, dogs, flying, being sick, public speaking, rain (yes, in the UK), tubular foods, leaving the house, claustrophobia, shirt buttons, fish, birds, driving, horses, frogs, etc… They are all working the same way. You cannot reason with it. Most people know that logically, rationally, their fear is an overreaction. But their emotional side Read more…

Experience Relaxing Hypnosis

Experience a few minutes of hypnosis, a relaxing time-out in the privacy of your mind. You can use this simple technique for your own self-hypnosis whenever and wherever you want (as long as it’s safe to do so of course!). It is very simple and easy: get comfy focus on your breathing imagine your body relaxing from the top of your head to the tip of your toes imagine being somewhere nice. That place could be a memory or a fantasy, it doesn’t matter, as long as it’s somewhere you Read more…

Having Fun With Impromptu Hypnosis

Another quick demonstration of classic hypnotic phenomenon such as hand stuck, number amnesia, name amnesia, even to the point where the trick didn’t take. You can’t win them all! :) Hypnosis works just as well online as it does face-to-face. It doesn’t matter if you are 4 feet or 400 miles away. This is a fun demonstration, hypnosis can also be used therapeutically to help with many things from anxiety disorders, phobias, bad habits (smoking, drinking, overeating, etc…) and more. Thank you Neil for being a good sport and volunteering Read more…

Eliminating limiting beliefs or mental blocks with hypnosis

A quick demonstration of some of the techniques that can be used to help someone freeing themselves of limiting beliefs, mental blocks and negativity using hypnosis. This works just as well whether you are doing online from a different country or if you’re doing it face-to-face. Thank you Ginta for accepting to be recorded. And a big thank you to some of my trainers, as I used some of their techniques: The emotional detox from Karl Smith (https://ukhypnosisacademy.co.uk/) The Arrow technique from Freddy Jacquin (https://www.jacquinhypnosisacademy.com/)

Dealing with a spider phobia rapidly with hypnosis

A demonstration of how some phobias can be dealt with easily and rapidly with hypnosis, no matter how long you’ve suffered with the issue. In this case, we are dealing with a very common phobia which is spider phobia (arachnophobia).This works just as well whether you are doing online from a different country or if you’re doing it face-to-face. Thank you Emily for accepting to be recorded.

Impromptu hypnosis demonstration

Here is a quick fun demonstration of how hypnosis can work, even done remotely via Zoom. Whether we are 3 feet or 350 miles apart, it makes no difference.In this demonstration, we just played with simple “stage hypnosis” tricks for fun, to illustrate the power of one’s imagination. That power can also be used for therapeutic purposes such as dealing with anxiety issues, phobias, PTSD, bad habits (smoking, drinking, overeating) and more.

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