Hypnotherapy the Aikido way

I’m a coach at Genryukan Aikido and therapist at Folkestone Hypnotherapy.In this video, I attempt to explain the similarities on how to deal with anxiety with hypnotherapy, and how we deal with attacks in aikido.Thanks to Tom Davey for his help. Find us on Facebook: Folkestone HypnotherapyGenryukan Aikido

Blue Monday is coming: or is it?

Every year, a lot of noise is made in the media about a very specific date. The third Monday in January is crowned “The Most Depressing Day of the Year” or “Blue Monday”. You’ll see it every year, and to be honest, I even posted about it myself last year, in good faith. But since then, I’ve looked into it a little bit further, and it didn’t take long to find out that it’s total nonsense. The claim is backed by a scientific looking equation which considers debt, the weather, motivation, and a few other Read more…

Breathing, an underestimated skill.

You’re pretty good at breathing, right? I mean, you’ve been doing it for years. You do it about 18 times per minutes which means around 25,920 times a day. You’re so good at it that most of the time, you can do it without even thinking about it! The problem is that most of us don’t do it efficiently. If everything is OK, it’s not a big deal. But when you start having health issues, anxiety issues, or want to perform better in physical activities, optimising your breathing can have Read more…

Treat phobias FAST

Fear is a natural response caused by real danger. For example, we are all scared of coming face to face with a wild, hungry animal, and fear is a survival instinct which warns us against certain things or situations. Whilst fear is useful to keep you safe, phobias can have a major negative impact on the sufferers’ life. All too often, fears stop people from enjoying their life and realising their full potential. Phobias can rule people’s lives, holding them back: it’s a bit like driving a sport car with Read more…

Stop Smoking Now!

Do you want to stop smoking once and for all? Are you tired of failing in your quest to quit, and seeing your health and finances suffer? Hypnosis a safe, pain-free and stress-free way to stop by tackling the addiction. Whether it is your first attempt to stop smoking or your tenth, it can feel like a daunting thing to do. Everybody tells us that it’s a very hard addiction to break, but does it have to be? The main issue with most stop smoking tactics is that they address the nicotine issue, but they Read more…

Kick the habit

For many people, tobacco is their friend. It claims to help with reducing stress, relaxing, alleviating boredom or boosting confidence. How can a stimulant help you relax? It doesn’t. Would you have a can of energy drink to wind down? Of course not! Cigarettes offer a very short, temporary relief from the higher stress level that smoking has created in the first place. If you are stressed, anxious, wound up or agitated, a cigarette is the last thing you need. How do you break the habit? For most people, smoking Read more…

Common myth: “it won’t work because I can’t relax or switch off.”

Saying you can’t get hypnotised because you’re too tense is like saying you can’t shower because you’re too dirty. About half my clients initially express concerns that they can’t switch off, they can’t relax. They may suffer from various types of anxiety or stress, so they forgot what it’s like to wind down. The funny thing is that those are the people who tend to go deeper and faster into hypnosis than the rest! My theory is that once their subconscious realises they can relax, it makes the most of Read more…

What is a panic attack?

Panic attacks are an exaggerated response to danger, stress or excitement.The symptoms can suddenly appear and include things such as a racing heartbeat, feeling faint, sweating or shaking, feeling sick, shaky legs, trouble breathing or nausea. During an attack, you may fear that they’re having a heart attack, that you’re going to die or faint. Because of this temporary feeling of loosing control, some people become scare of going out just in case it might trigger a panic attack. In turn, that fear could become a phobia called agoraphobia. Sometimes, Read more…

Anxiety can affect anyone

Would it surprise you to learn that many successful celebrities suffer from depression and anxiety? Some people think that it’s shameful and a sign of weakness… yeah, tell that to Dwayne “the Rock” Johnson!  Beyonce, Prince Harry, Adele, JK Rowling and David Beckham have all opened up about their own battles. Even it looks like you have everything you could wish for, it doesn’t make you immune. So despite what depression and anxiety make you think, please remember: – You are not alone. – There is help out there. – Read more…

95% of brain activity is unconscious

95% of brain activity is unconscious, and up to 40% of behaviour is habitual. From changing bad habits (smoking, drinking, overeating, etc…) to learning to relax and let go of stress and anxiety, hypnotherapy can help you unlock the potential of your unconscious. Contact us now, or call 01303 684056 to see how we can help you achieve your goals Source: https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg23931880-400-lifting-the-lid-on-the-unconscious/

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