Is alcohol taking over your life?

Alcohol is a big part of society – we drink to celebrate successes, to wish congratulations and even commiserations. Whilst in moderation, drinking isn’t considered a serious issue, problems arise when it becomes an habit, or is used as a coping mechanism, an easy way to self-medicate. Whether you want to just reduce it or cut it out altogether, contact us now to see how we can help you regain control.

Guided Relaxation Session

You take care of your body, keep fit, and eat healthily (or not, we don’t judge). But when was the last time you looked after your mental health? Our guided relaxation session will leave you physically and mentally relaxed and refreshed – it’s like a massage for your mind! So, if you want to call timeout on everyday stress and recharge your batteries, or you are simply curious about hypnosis, come and join us. We only have a limited number of seats (and it’s trickier to relax standing up!). This Read more…

Everybody needs to sleep

Everybody needs to sleep. Sleep has a vital role in maintaining both our physical and mental health. Sleep helps our bodies to heal and allows our brains to process information collected through the day. Sleep disorders like insomnia make it hard for people to get enough sleep. On top of feeling of tiredness, lack of sleep can lead to illness, and increase the risk of heart disease and obesity. Lack of sleep can also lead to anxiety and problems concentrating. Hypnotherapy helps you tackle the potential causes of insomnia, and Read more…

Beat Stress

Stress causes the body to release the hormone cortisol, which is produced by the adrenal glands. It has been known for years that elevated cortisol levels interfere with learning and memory, lower immune function and bone density, cause weight gain, increase blood pressure and cholesterol, reduce libido, and cause heart disease. Chronic stress and elevated cortisol levels also increase the risk of depression and mental illness and lower life expectancy. (For more info on the stress effects on the body: Different occupations are more demanding than others, and in Read more…

Otter by Rennett Stowe

Guided Relaxation Session

We’re running a guided relaxation session on March 18th in Folkestone and we’d love you to join us. At just £5 for a full hour of physical and mental relaxation, it’s great value and, if you haven’t experienced hypnosis before, it’s a good way to dip your proverbial toe in the water. So, if you want to call timeout on everyday stress and recharge your batteries, or you are simply curious about hypnosis, please click here to find out more and to book your place. We only have a limited number of Read more…

Why Stress Makes You Fat

According to Dr Michael Mosley, chronic stress disrupts our sleep and our blood sugar levels. This leads to increased hunger and comfort eating. And that then leads to further disrupted sleep, even higher levels of stress and even more disrupted blood sugars. In time, this can lead not only to unhealthy levels of body fat, but also to type-2 diabetes. In another recent study, researchers took a small group of three- and four-year-olds (all regular afternoon nappers) and not only deprived them of their afternoon nap, but also kept them up Read more…

Michael Phelps About Suffering From Anxiety And Depression

“The 23-times Olympic gold medal winner said he wanted to talk openly about his depression to encourage others to seek the help he got.” (source: Sky News) Hypnotherapy is becoming a more recognised method for reducing feelings of anxiety. It can help boost confidence and self-belief, while reducing feelings of fear and intense worry. It can help you develop the ability to access the calm state of mind needed to overcome the often-overwhelming emotions you are living with. Don’t suffer in silence, help is at hand. Message us via our Read more…

34% Dealing With Anxiety

“A survey of 2,000 British workers in junior and senior roles has found that 34% of us are dealing with anxiety, depression, or stress.” Contact us for help and support with stress, anxiety, confidence or self esteem.” Contact us for help and support with stress, anxiety, confidence or self esteem. (Featured image: Antonia Sadler)

Beat The Blue Monday

You might have heard that today is “Blue Monday”, supposed to be the most depressing day of the year. For those suffering with anxiety and depression every day could be called a “blue” day (or even a “black” day).  The good news is that every day could also be the day you decide to take action and seek help. Call us on 01303 684056, or send us a message on our Facebook page or use our contact form for a quick informal chat and see how we can help you.

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